Monday, April 29, 2013

Meet Brooks!

Meet Brooks! He is an active first grader who loves to read, sing and perform. As Brooks' mom, Jennifer, tells it, "I am absolutely amazed by his zest for life! It is so fun being Brooks' Mom. It's almost like he realizes deep inside of him somewhere just how fragile life is and, therefore, relishes every minute of it."
Brooks Leebern

Brooks was born 15 weeks prematurely. Due to his early arrival, he is legally blind, has mild cerebral palsy and growth issues. But these challenges do little to slow him down. His curiosity of the world recently led him to request a telescope so that he could see the moon for the first time.

"How many of us, me included, don't stop to think about what a treasure it is just to be able to gaze at the moon on any given night? He had a joyful fit when he saw it!" Jennifer shares. "Brooks has taught me to find the beauty in all things, big or small, and to never take life for granted."

Brooks has also played a pivotal role in his Mom's relationship with Christ, illuminating her path back to Him. And with this strengthened faith, she looks to God to carry her through the struggles she encounters when Brooks faces challenges, knowing that she can lean on Him.
Although his vision is clouded with darkness, for Brooks' friends and family,  he is a shining light of God's love. And Jennifer feels strongly that God has given her family this special child with the duty of glorifying Him. She desires to share her son's story with others, including what God has done through him to change her own life and faith journey. She shares with the hope that it will help them as they face their own personal trials and darkness.   

Finding gratefulness in their situation is the key that has given their family a transformed perspective. This perspective helps them through their journey with their son. "Always look for the silver lining. Always recognize the good things that our children are and that they do. Don't focus on what they can't do," she imparts. "And always be their advocate and let them know every day that they are special and perfect in your eyes!"

Lord, thank you for Brooks. His life is a light unto Your path and a gift from You. The joy in his life, despite his trials and challenges, is Your blessing to him and his family. We praise You for him!

Read more about Brooks in "Unexpected Gifts."

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